In person Full Moon Circles are back.
This month Rachel Larraine will be creating sacred space at with Luna of Aika and Anke of Twelve Sense Retreat on Monday January 17th 5:30pm on the roof top deck.
We will start with a sound bath, then move into a releasing ritual and sharing intentions for this new year. We'll be discussing the tarot card of the year which is the Lovers Card and discovering our own personal card of the year and learning about mindful rituals to honor the card and it's wisdom.
We will be serving wine and non-alcoholic beverages along with small bites, you are also welcome to bring your own food if you wish.
What to bring:
Warm clothing since we are sitting outside a blanket is a great idea too
A tarot or oracle deck if you have one (I will pull for the collective for those that do not have a deck)
Journal & pen
The circle will be led by Rachel Larraine